Award Notification

Newly enrolled students eligible for financial aid will receive an award letter by email. Current students will receive an email notification after awards are posted in Banner. You may view all awards through the MSM portal by using the Student tab.

Budget Adjustments

Students entering MSM after the 1998-99 academic year may not make adjustments beyond the basic budget. This effort is designed to prevent excessive borrowing and avoid potential defaults.

Adjustments to Financial Aid Awards

You must notify the Student Fiscal Affairs Office: (1) if you are receiving or expect to receive an outside scholarship, fellowship or loan; (2) if you secure any other resources you did not anticipate; (3) if you and/or your spouse are earning more than you originally indicated on your FAFSA form.

*Students should complete the 2025-2026 Student Agreement to confirm acceptance of awards.

Satisfactory Academic Progress

(A condition required for receipt of Title IV funds and MSM institutional funds.) In order to disburse financial aid funds to an eligible student, the Student Fiscal Affairs Office must verify the student is enrolled at least half-time, and maintaining satisfactory progress.