
The Department of Medicine provides residents and medical students with innovative curriculum to address the most complex of disease states.
Message From the Chairman

As a national leader in research, we use translational research to connect patient care and research.
Cardiovascular Disease Fellowship Training Program
Morehouse School of Medicine (MSM) announced the creation of its inaugural Cardiovascular Disease Fellowship Training Program—an effort that helps address both an increasingly aging population suffering with heart disease and the nation’s shortage of minority cardiologists.
Faculty & Staff
Our residents receive outstanding teaching and direction from nationally and internationally recognized physicians in hospitals, clinics and private settings.
Residency Program

Our residents receive outstanding teaching and direction from nationally and internationally recognized physicians in hospitals, clinics and private settings.
Medical Student Education

Internal medicine, as a discipline, emphasizes and places great importance on the skills of history taking and physical examination.
Internal Medicine divisions include Cardiology, Endocrinology, Gastroenterology, General Internal, Medicine (GIM), Geriatrics, Hematology/Oncology, Hospitalist, Infectious Disease, Pulmonary/Critical Care GIM, Ambulatory Care, Nephrology, Neurology, and Nocturnist.
Our affiliations with Grady Memorial Hospital, South Fulton Hospital and Central Alabama Veterans Health Care System, provides us an excellent canvas to continuously excel in various areas of research.
Contact Us
Learn more about the Department of Internal Medicine by calling or emailing us.